20's & 30's Meeting - August 2009 |
화요일, 04 8월 2009 01:44 |
This afternoon, our monthly 20’s and 30’s meeting lasted only until 8:00pm, but we shared our testimonies on the subject of "Soul Winning". We thank our God, King and Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ for simple and precious salvation. That’s what it’s all about. Oh, did we mention the fellowship dinner was prepared by none other than Bro. Han! Thanks to Bro. Han and his wonderful creations, we were able to enjoy more time sharing testimony. Great fellowship! Great time! If you missed it, you really missed the boat load of fresh sea food. Don’t miss our next meeting at the "Lake House" on August 15th. For more information on our 20's & 30's fellowship meeting, please feel free to contact Bro. Joo at
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